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Because I've been freaking busy the last couple of weeks, I've not done a proper update. Here's the skivvy.

  • We're 85%-ish moved in at the new house. The remaining 15% consists of going to the apartment to pick up a load or two of straggling stuff, cleaning at the apartment, and unpacking some at the house.
  • The house is beautiful. Wonderful. Splendiferous. Every day, we find something that we like a little more. Every day, we find something that makes us realize how good a deal we got.
  • Classes are going alright. Russian's easy. Computer Tools for Physicists - i.e., Maple - easy. Calculus III should be easy, but I crapped the first test because I slacked off a little too much. World Civ is fascinating, and not terribly difficult, either.
  • My labs are going swimmingly. I've got a pattern for grading and reviewing the next material to be taught and having office hours and all of that, so it's smooth sailing. The lab write-ups my students turn in are getting fairly consistently better, which makes me feel great.
  • Forensics is going... strangely. I'm trying to put together a persuasive, a program of interpretation, and a poetry piece. The persuasive is too long - I have too much support for my case. I'll have to cut it down by another minute or two, then memorize, refine, perform. My program is missing. It went AWOL in the sea of boxes. I'm considering putting it on a milk carton. The poetry I just started, and I'm not absolutely certain as to my theme, yet - but I've got a lot of ideas, and I'm going to try to have it finished by the end of the weekend.
  • Mentoring is going well. (I'm mentoring a student in math through the talented and gifted program at one of the area middle schools.)

Beyond that, I'm doing a good deal of roleplaying in various venues, in that copious spare time I have (ha!). Hopefully coming soon: a photographic walkthrough of the fantastic neighborhood we live in.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled muggling.

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Holy cow, you're busy! Ah, the energy of youth...

Looking forward to the pix!

Wow....Russian...that's a language I've alway wanted to learn....sounds like you're about as busy as me...which is likely why we've pretty much lost contact! :-) I see a couple of classes your taking would certainly interest me... :-)

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This page contains a single entry by Erica published on September 24, 2005 12:41 PM.

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